This form is for Retail AND Wholesale Buyers and preregisters you to attend our Best Bead and Bead Mercantile Shows at the discounted (or free) rates (as specified on each shows sites or via ads, etc.). ONLY ONE PERSON PER EMAIL. You must still check-in at the show entrance but you will save time in the fast-paced preregistered line. For shows with admission fees, you will still pay cash at the door. Once checked in, you will also be registered for any prizes sponsored by the show. Please complete form for each buyer. If you are already enrolled in a class for THIS event, you do not need to register again. You will receive future notices via e-mail, phone call and/or text message pertaining to the event for which you are registering as well as any other event of ours in the immediate area. WHOLESALE BUYERS: Please bring copies of your resale license as some exhibitors may require individual copies as laws have changed. (Suggestion: keep an easily accessible image on your phone that you can text or email at time of purchase.)
By entering our shows, you agree to abide by all rules/regulations set forth by show management, and to release from all liability and hold harmless Falcon Endeavors, Inc., (dba Best Bead Show, Bead Mercantile Shows and FiberAndBeads.com) and its employees and affiliates, for any/all losses/injuries sustained as a result of attending said events. You understand and agree that your image may be recorded via video or photograph in public area of the event and such images may be used in promotional materials-- your name will never be used without your explicit permission. Additionally, your information will never be shared or sold, unless you specific request sharing such information via offers made (*as the Baltimore show is in conjunction with the Baltimore Bead Society, they may also contact you regarding membership or their events.) You can unsubscribe at any time.
For Which Show(s) Would You Like To Register? |
Please note that this event is open to the public. Most, if not all, exhibitors will conduct wholesale transactions with qualified wholesale buyers (tax resale license, etc.) but the following conditions must be met: (a) the exhibitor is willing to make a wholesale transaction- some (few) may not carry inventory for such transactions, especially if their products are handmade, (b) you have proper credentials with you (tax resale license), AND (c) your purchase meets their minimum requirement for such a transaction (each exhibitor sets their own minimum, most around $100.00). If ALL conditions are NOT met, THE EXHIBITOR MAY NOT process the sale as a wholesale transaction as it will violate show policy and/or state laws. Please be respectful of this and do not ask the exhibitor to risk expulsion or heavy fines for the purpose of a sale, as this may be considered criminal solicitation.